Monday, January 31, 2011

A little behind!

My photos for weeks 3 and 4. My abstract self-portrait didn't go so well...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Tonight....

Snow tonight! Took this photo about an hour ago. We're not supposed to get much.

Mr. Fortuna signed Miss. Peach up for ice skating lessons today.

Dinner: leftover beef stew. Yum!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 52, Week 2

The theme this week is Cold. We leave a bowl of water outside for our cats. At night the water freezes and this is what I found this morning. I'm guessing it freezes from the outside in, and the water pushes up as it freezes. Oh, and our cats are indoor kitties, but they like to have water when they go outside (during the day.)

Dinner: Paninis

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My New Glasses

Got my new glasses. I almost had heart palpitations when they brought them out in their case: a Tiffany case. Is there any better gift than something in a blue Tiffany box? It never even dawned on me when I picked them out that the case would be a Tiffany case.

Dinner tonight: Jool's Favorite Beef Stew from Jamie's Dinners. It was amazing! Very good, very easy, would make again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project 52, Week 1

I tried a project 365 last year and made it to April. This year I'm lowering my ambitions and going for a Project 52. Here's week 1 -- I snapped this while I was cleaning up the New Year's decorations. I like the colors.